At Your Library
Make a Suggestion

Collection and Program Suggestions

Partnering with others ensures that our programming and collections represent the diverse voices, experiences and expertise of our community. Find information below on how to submit a proposal to collaborate on a program or event with us, or how to suggest an item (book, DVD or other item) for our collections. 

Suggest an Item

Looking for an item you can't find in our catalogue? We welcome suggestions for books, magazines, DVDs or other items for our collection of loanable items. To suggest an item, log in with your account to and click on "My Library Dashboard". You'll see a clickable button that reads: "Submit a Suggestion." Fill out the form for our library staff to review.  

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Suggestions are evaluated based on our Collection Development Policy and the availability of the item for purchase. If an item is rare or difficult to purchase, you may want to request an Interlibrary Loan instead.

Please note: There is a limit of 10 requests per customer per month. If RHPL acquires an item you’ve requested, we will automatically place it on hold for you. To ensure efficiency, kindly avoid submitting duplicate requests.

Propose a Program

Our programs consist of events, author talks, workshops or performances that share timely and relevant information with our community. We welcome program proposals from community groups, performers or experts in their field who wish to collaborate with our team on an event. We give priority to events that complement our collections, services and the goals of our strategic plan. Programs are open to the public and are generally for a specific age group (babies/toddlers, kids, teens, adults, seniors, or family (all ages)). 

Application Form